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Why You Should Groom Your Pet Regularly

You may have heard that regularly grooming your pet is important. But are you convinced? From coat and skin health to socialization, here are our top reasons why you should keep your furry friend groomed.

Controls Shedding

Shedding is a problem for both pets and owners alike. Most pet owners do not enjoy regular cleaning to keep those extra furs at bay. Although shedding may be unavoidable with your pet, by daily brushing and weekly bathing, you can help to cut back on the need to sweep your floors so frequently. Brushing actually helps to stimulate oil producing glands that keep its skin healthier, thus hanging onto hair.


Grooming your pet can help it to become accustomed to being regularly touched. It can also help to relax your pet (and maybe even you). You can teach your pet to lie down calmly while you brush its fur and clip its nails and it will become more acquainted with you as you continue regular grooming sessions.

Dental Health

Brushing your pet’s teeth is another important aspect of regular grooming. Proper dental health can have a dramatic effect on your pet’s overall well-being. This not only can affect your pet’s quality of life but can help to avoid more frequent and potentially expensive professional cleanings.

Prevent Other Medical Problems

By grooming your pet, you are paying more attention to its body. You may be more apt to notice problems with its ears, eyes and teeth. Many animals are susceptible to illnesses that can be caught by paying closer attention during regular grooming sessions.


The most obvious benefit of grooming is about keeping up your pet’s appearance. Just like people, animals can feel better once they have been groomed – plus they look better! By grooming regularly, you can better avoid matted or tangled fur and overgrown, curled nails, which can be unsightly.

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